Comment vous pouvez réduire les déchets en partageant, en réparant et en recyclant

Woman recycling propane canisters at 4R Depot
When something can’t be repaired, like electronics, consider safely recycling it at your local 4R Depot. When you need to replace an item, consider sharing it with friends or neighbours or getting it second-hand

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Out with the old, and in with the new,” but the concept of the circular economy might be new to you.

A circular economy is a system of producing and consuming items that minimizes waste. Moving towards a circular economy requires planning and action from all levels of government, businesses and communities.

The circular economy loop starts at creating goods with parts that can be reused and recycled instead of being thrown out after its lifespan has ended.

You can extend the life of materials and everyday objects by sharing, repairing, and recycling materials and divert waste from the landfill.

The circular economy loop involves creating goods with parts that can be reused and recycled instead of being thrown out after it can no longer be used.

You can take part in the circular economy by:

  • Collecting unused items like clothes, shoes, and accessories to trade, lend, or sell.
  • Creating a new, or supporting an existing Little Free Library by sharing books.
  • Set up an agreement to share a friend or neighbour’s tool or appliance instead of buying a new one.
  • Visit the ideaMILL makerspace at the Millennium Library to access sewing machines, 3D printers, book photography equipment and more.
  • Shopping at a second-hand store and saving money on a previously-loved item.
  • Organizing a DIY upcycling party and giving old furniture and decor new life.
  • Recycling old bicycles and parts at any 4R Winnipeg Depot. The City has partnered with The W.R.E.N.C.H to refurbish bikes for the community.
A bicycle and some hazardous items are pictured outside of a Winnipeg 4R depot,
You can recycle hazardous materials and electronics at 4R Depots. Old bicycles and parts can also be taken there. We have a partnership with The W.R.E.N.C.H. to refurbish bikes for the community.

If you are thinking about upgrading electronics, or other items in your home, consider donating what you can, refurbishing, and reselling electronic parts.

If your electronics aren’t working, consider recycling them, as well as cords and batteries at any of the four 4R Winnipeg Depots for free.

Every small step helps reduce waste.

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