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At a Special Meeting of Council today, the 2023 Balanced Budget Update for the City of Winnipeg was adopted by a vote of 14-2.

“The Balanced Budget Update makes critical investments in areas that are priorities for all Winnipeggers, like customer service, community safety, transportation, economic growth, and the urban forest” said Mayor Scott Gillingham. “I sincerely appreciate the work City Council has done to develop this budget, and all the input we received from the public over the past six weeks.”

“This budget marks a new beginning for the City of Winnipeg,” said Councillor Jeff Browaty, Finance Chair. “It’s the first budget for this term of council, the freeze on the provincial operating grant has been lifted, and we’re finally moving beyond the pandemic and making investments in improving city services.”

In response to feedback from Council and the public, the adopted budget includes several changes to the preliminary budget that was tabled on February 8th, such as:

  • The grant to Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre for the provision of on-site services at the Amoowigamig public washroom (715 Main Street) was increased to $250,000 to maintain at least 10 hours of daily operation.
  • An increase of $100,000 to the budget for General Library and Electronic Materials.
  • The addition of two full-time positions to work on the Winnipeg Climate Plan.
  • $150,000 for lifeguard recruitment and retention.
  • $450,000 for lead remediation at Mission Park and Weston Memorial Community Centre hockey rink.

Full budget documents can be found at


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