If you’re craving your next book, music or movie fix, the Winnipeg Public Library has you covered with its virtual library!
The virtual library is stocked with eBooks, e-audiobooks, music, movies, and online resources and various databases including Ancestry Library, World Book Encyclopedia, Tumblebooks for kids, and Lynda.com, available to residents with an active library card.
For Winnipeg residents who do not have an existing library card, you can now register online to receive a temporary library card to access Winnipeg Public Library’s online resources while library branches are closed.
“The virtual library enriches the lives of all Winnipeggers by offering online books, magazines, music, movies and other resources free of charge.”
“The new online registration system extends our reach throughout the community, and helps remove barriers for those currently without a library card,” said Ed Cuddy, Manager of Library Services.
More information on the electronic resources is available through Winnipeg Public Library: The 24/7 Library.