Climate Change Working Group Established

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Mandated to Assess and Review Existing Climate Change Plans, Recommend Further Actions

Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman through the Executive Policy Committee today established a climate change working group to assess the City’s current climate change plans and recommend actions to address climate change.

“Our environment continues to be the foundation for our economic and social health,” said Mayor Bowman. “As we look for ways to grow our city’s economy, we can’t forget about the important potential and responsibility presented by environmental sustainability. Collectively, as individuals and governments, we need to find ways to reduce our carbon footprint and address the challenges of climate change.”

“I am pleased to have established this working group to help guide our direction on climate change,” said Mayor Bowman.

The working group will be chaired by Councillor Jenny Gerbasi and supported by Councillors Matt Allard and Cindy Gilroy. Establishing this working group fulfills a commitment Mayor Bowman made in his State of the City address in February.

“At a municipal level, we make many decisions that directly impact the quality of the environment,” said Councillor Jenny Gerbasi. “A healthy environment is essential to the well-being of all communities, and governments at all levels need to work with residents and experts to find ways to protect and enhance the health of our environment.”

The working group will report to the Executive Policy Committee, and has been given a mandate to:

  • Assess of the status of the City of Winnipeg’s commitment to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Partner for Climate Protection model and provide recommendations;
  • Assess of the current status of OurWinnipeg, the City of Winnipeg’s long-term plan, as it relates to sustainable initiatives and provide recommendations; and
  • Review new and developing funding sources with a focus on building partnerships with other levels of government.

The Working Group on Climate Change will conclude their work and report back to Executive Policy Committee by the end of 2016.

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