Office of Integrity Commissioner to be Established for Winnipeg City Council

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Winnipeg, MB - An administrative report approved at Executive Policy Committee today sets the stage for the establishment of an Office of the Integrity Commissioner whose mandate would be to investigate, advise, and educate members of Council on matters relating to conflict of interest and other laws and policies governing the behavior of Council.

“Implementing an Integrity Commissioner will provide an open and accessible process to report perceived conflicts of interest with sitting Councillors,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “As well, it will support Councillors with advice and educational activities aimed at strengthening the overall understanding of existing laws and policies governing Council behavior.”

The Office of Integrity Commissioner will provide a transparent, accessible, and open process through with Councillors and members of the public may report or receive information on perceived conflicts of interest by a sitting member of Council. Several municipalities in Canada have implemented similar commissioners and offices.

The Integrity Commissioner will report directly to Council, will be appointed by Council for a minimum two-year renewable term, and will be required to publish an annual report of its activities. The Integrity Commissioner will not be permitted to be a City of Winnipeg employee. The Integrity Commissioner would have authority to investigate matters raised relating to members of Council. It will not have authority to investigate City of Winnipeg employees whose activities are currently covered by the City of Winnipeg Employee Code of Conduct.

Earlier this year, Council adopted a motion introduced by Mayor Bowman and second by Councillor Jenny Gerbasi to prepare a process and implementation plan to create an Office of Ethics Commissioner within the maximum authority provided for under the existing City of Winnipeg Charter. A cross jurisdictional review determined that municipalities in Ontario who have implemented similar offices have referred to the position as an Integrity (rather than an Ethics) Commissioner.

The City of Winnipeg Charter Act currently does not specifically provide investigative authority nor identify appropriate penalties for breaching relevant policy, by-laws, or Acts. As such, changes continue to be recommended to The City of Winnipeg Charter in order to specifically grant the Integrity Commissioner investigative powers, and identify appropriate penalties.

The report will be considered by Council on Wednesday December 9th, 2015.

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