City to look at possible new programs to divert organic materials from the landfill

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Share your views at the City of Winnipeg's Organics Symposium on September 9

Winnipeg, MB - Vegetable and fruit peels, coffee grounds, leaves and wood waste - how should the City divert these organic materials from the landfill? The City of Winnipeg is beginning the process of creating an Organics Diversion Strategy and we want your input. Join us on September 9 for an Organics Symposium. This is an opportunity to learn more about the City's efforts to manage organic waste and tell us what you want in an organics program.

Leaf and yard waste composting is already very successful in Winnipeg, but there is an opportunity to divert more organic materials from Winnipeg landfills and further reduce greenhouse gasses. City Council approved a comprehensive waste management plan in October 2011, designed to keep more than half of our garbage out of the landfill by giving Winnipeg residents more ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. Organics diversion programs will be necessary to reach this goal as organics make up approximately 40% of Winnipeg's residential waste stream. Adopting an Organics Diversion Strategy will also bring Winnipeg in line with many other Canadian cities that have already adopted some level of organics diversion, be it pilot programs or fully implemented curbside pick-up.

At the symposium, you will:

  • learn various perspectives on managing organic waste from an expert speaker panel
  • interact with local citizens, businesses and community stakeholders
  • take part in breakout sessions where you can share your thoughts

An online option will bring the in-person event to stakeholders who prefer to participate virtually.

Feedback from this event will be incorporated into the next stage of public engagement, where more concrete options will be discussed. Once the public engagement stage is complete, all of the feedback will be incorporated into the development of the Organics Diversion Strategy that will be delivered to Council in June 2016 (anticipated date).

Event details
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (registration begins at 5:00 p.m.)
Location: West End Cultural Centre, 586 Ellice Avenue at Sherbrook
Register: Visit City of Winnipeg - Organics Diversion Strategy Symposium or call 311
Participate online: City of Winnipeg - Organics Diversion Strategy Symposium

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