Nearly 31 per cent reduction in fires from 2012 to 2013 in Winnipeg

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Drop in fires attributed to arson prevention, public education, and removal of AutoBins

Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) today announced that the total number of fires recorded annually in 2013 dropped nearly 31 per cent from 2012 rates. As outlined in an upcoming report from the provincial Office of the Fire Commissioner, 1,946 fires reports were recorded in 2013 for the City of Winnipeg as compared to 2,818 fires in 2012.

Fires caused by arson in 2013 also saw a significant reduction. Last year, the City recorded 352 arson related fires which represents a 41 per cent decrease from 598 arson related fires in 2012. WFPS officials attribute the reduction in reported fires to enhanced collaboration between City departments, with a focus on arson prevention and public education as well as the removal of AutoBins.

“The reduction in reported fires from 2012 to 2013 is very encouraging and indicates that we are on track with our public education and arson prevention efforts,” said Chief John Lane, WFPS. “In addition, the City’s new recycling and garbage collection program has been a major factor in the significant drop in reported fires. Removing more than 5,000 AutoBins has meant fewer targets for arsonists.”

Chief Lane noted that the directive from City Council to enhance pickups of bulk waste and abandoned garbage during June and July 2013 also had a positive effect on reducing fires in 2013.

In addition to joint WFPS/Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) public education campaigns such as the Arson CPR (community action, prevention and reporting) program, the WFPS also uses public outreach with community organizations and in-school fire prevention education to help reduce the number of fires each year.

Background Information

The WFPS is responsible by law to provide fire suppression, rescue and medical response services to victims of fire, medical, and other emergencies in order to prevent or minimize loss of life or property.

WFPS, in partnership with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, is also responsible for pre-hospital emergency paramedical care and transport of sick and injured people within the City of Winnipeg.

In 2013, the Department responded to 88, 289 calls for emergency service.

For more information on the WFPS, please visit City of Winnipeg - Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service.

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