Are you prepared?

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City to take part in National Emergency Preparedness Week, May 4 - 10, 2014

Winnipeg, MB - The City of Winnipeg is encouraging citizens to be prepared and help keep their families safe during an emergency by using National Emergency Preparedness Week to learn about planning ahead for emergencies.

National Emergency Preparedness Week takes place from May 4 -10 this year and encourages Canadians to be prepared to manage on their own for at least the first 72 hours of an emergency, enabling first responders to focus on those in urgent need.

“Winnipeg has world class first responders but we all need to do our part in planning ahead for emergency situations,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “We need to be able to look after ourselves for the first 72 hours while our police, fire fighters and paramedics, tend to those in urgent need. I’m asking all Winnipeggers to use National Emergency Preparedness Week as a time to think ahead and collect the information and supplies that they would need to keep their families safe during an emergency situation.”

Over the past five years, the City has trained approximately 600 people in emergency management through its Winnipeg Emergency Management (WEM) course. People with WEM training include employees from not only the City of Winnipeg, but staff from community partners such as Manitoba Hydro, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, local Universities, and various non-government agencies.

The City of Winnipeg will use National Emergency Preparedness Week to help connect citizens to important emergency preparedness information found on the City’s EmergWeb website as well as providing tips on how to build an Emergency Preparedness Supplies Kit that can sustain a family during the first 72 hours of an emergency.

“Staying up-to-date with emergency information from your local government is one of the best ways to keep your family safe during an emergency,” said Randy Hull, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the City of Winnipeg. “The City has developed the EmergWeb website to be an easy to use source of current emergency preparedness tips and in the event of an actual emergency, EmergWeb will also be where officials post information about the situation.”

City of Winnipeg - Emergency Preparedness Week Events

Emergency Preparedness Supplies Kit Display

When: Monday, May 5 to Friday, May 9
Where: City Hall - Administration Lobby, 510 Main Street (display accessible during 311 Service Centre operating hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday)

Come see a complete Emergency Preparedness Supplies Kit on display and learn more about what items you should include in your family’s kit.

Daily Email Series: Emergency Preparedness Tips

When: Monday, May 5 to Friday, May 9
Where: Your computer or smart phone

Join the City’s Emergency Preparedness Email List and receive daily emergency preparedness tips between May 5 and May 9. The list will also be used to share information in the event of an actual emergency.

Winnipeg Emergency Preparedness Week - Twitter Q & A Session

When: Tuesday, May 6 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (CST)
Where: Your computer or smart phone

Have you ever wanted to learn more about what Winnipeg’s emergency preparedness coordinator does? Or what types of emergencies Winnipeg has experienced in the past? Or what items you should have in your Emergency Preparedness Supplies Kit?

Follow Winnipeg’s first “R U Prepared” Twitter Q & A session with the hash tag #RUPrepared and tweet your emergency preparedness questions to @CityofWinnipeg. Winnipeg’s emergency preparedness coordinator, Randy Hull, will be available to answer your questions about emergency preparedness between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. (CST)

For more information on National Emergency Preparedness Week, visit

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