City of Winnipeg helps local south Winnipeg residents develop detailed map highlighting walking and cycling routes in their community

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Winnipeg, MB - The first detailed community map of its kind for a Winnipeg community presents a bird’s eye view of the communities of Fort Richmond, University Heights and the University of Manitoba. Residents of these south Winnipeg communities worked with Green Action Centre and multiple organizations to develop a pocket sized map highlighting all the walking and cycling infrastructure in their community.

The map highlights every single sidewalk, trail, cut through, crosswalk, bus and more. It details the various surface types of trails (asphalt, gravel, bark chip, grass, etc.), it contains the locations of the heated bus shelters, traffic lights, controlled crosswalks, various community amenities (libraries, swimming pools, post offices, medical clinics, etc.) It also includes community treasures such as popular fishing holes, climbing trees and a family of topiary elephants grazing alongside a back lane. The residents also worked with local historians and archivists to highlight important community history.

“The City of Winnipeg is working on a variety of initiatives to improve safe walking and cycling in the communities of Fort Richmond and University Heights,” said Justin Swandel, Councillor for St. Norbert and Chair of Public Works. “The idea to develop a walking map came from area residents, and we are very pleased to offer our assistance in the map’s creation with a $10,000 contribution.”

“Fort Richmond and University Heights were built in an era where the vehicle was the primary means of transportation and the construction of sidewalks and trails were few and far between,” said parent Cori-Lee Paterson.” This map is a great tool to learn where short cuts are located on streets and bays, where new trails are located, and how kids can plot out safe routes to schools, playgrounds and parks.”

“This map is a ‘must have’ for our students and is a great resource for encouraging students and visitors to use active transportation to navigate around the U of M campus,” said Ian Hall, Director of Sustainability, University of Manitoba.

The pocket size map is free of charge and can be found at over 50 locations in the community (schools, community centre, libraries, churches etc.). For a complete list, please visit

Copies will also be handed out at the Acadia School Mid-Winter Festival which is being held from 12:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Saturday, February 1 at Acadia Junior High, 175 Killarney Avenue.

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