Mayor Supports Auditor's Recommendation

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WINNIPEG, MB - September 24, 2012 - Mayor Sam Katz today accepted the recommendation of the City Auditor to retain external resources to help the auditor complete a comprehensive review of the new fire-paramedic stations in Sage Creek, River Heights, St. James and Charleswood.

"In order to ensure a thorough and complete review, I have recommended to the Mayor that I hire external industry experts, both to expedite the review and draw upon expertise not generally found within audit departments," said City Auditor Brian Whiteside.

"I am committed to putting the time and resources necessary to ensure Council and the taxpayers of Winnipeg receive a complete and accurate picture of everything that has taken place," said Mayor Katz.

On Sept. 4, 2012, Mayor Katz asked Chief Financial Officer Mike Ruta to conduct a review on the replacement and relocation of the four fire paramedic facilities, relying upon the resources of the City Auditor as required. On Friday, the auditor recommended drawing upon external expertise.

Mayor Katz says the review must ensure that policies and procedures reflect the principles of transparency, accountability and value for money, which are fundamental for the working of City Hall.

Following discussions with the auditor, expectations are that the review will include, but not be limited to:

  • Reviewing the initial impetus for replacing the four fire paramedic stations, including any original facility condition assessments;
  • Reviewing the procurement process from the first Request for Qualifications (RFQ) through to the subsequent Request for Proposals (RFPs) issued for the four stations;
  • Reviewing the awarding of contracts and costs relating to the construction of the stations;
  • Determining if all the controls, policies and procedures with regard to the procurement process and the subsequent awarding of contracts were followed;
  • Reviewing the processes that resulted in a proposed land exchange agreement;
  • Assessing the adequacy of the controls, policies and procedures that are currently in place;
  • Assessing whether Council was kept up to date with any changes, and the correct approvals were obtained;
  • Evaluating the value to taxpayers;
  • Providing recommendations for improvement as necessary; and
  • Recommending any disciplinary actions that might need to be taken.

The auditor will be determining a budget and a timeline for completing the review within the coming days.

"Councillors and taxpayers are deserving of a complete explanation of how and why events unfolded," said Mayor Sam Katz. "I am committed to seeing they get one."

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