Robbery/Assault Peace Officer – Arrest: C24-132756

Released: June 12, 2024 at 1:08 p.m.

Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not engaging with this content is appropriate for you.

Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not engaging with this content is appropriate for you.


On June 11, at approximately 4:15 p.m., an off-duty officer operating his vehicle in the 100 block of Smith Street was flagged down by an adult male presenting himself as a person in distress.

The male suspect proceeded to the driver's side of the vehicle, opened the door, and began physically assaulting the officer in the upper body unprovoked. The officer immediately identified himself as an off-duty police officer as the suspect continued to assault him and attempted to pull him out of the vehicle while threatening to kill him.

The officer exited his vehicle, and the suspect immediately entered the driver's seat in an attempt to steal the vehicle unsuccessfully. As the suspect was unable to operate the vehicle,  he attempted to flee on foot; however, three officers, also off-duty, managed to take control of the male, restrain him, and safely place him in handcuffs. The officer sustained multiple upper-body injuries for which he later sought medical attention.

During the investigation, officers learned the suspect had been released from police custody approximately twenty minutes prior regarding an unrelated matter.

Kulagbanda Bob UMAR, 27, of Winnipeg, has been charged with the following offences:

  • Robbery
  • Assault Peace Officer
  • Uttering Threats – Cause Death or Bodily Harm
  • Fail to Comply with Probation Order

He was detained in custody.

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