The Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund supports the philosophy of crime prevention through social development, which is an approach to crime prevention that deals with socio-economic risk factors that cause crime.
To this end the goal of the Endowment Fund is to support at risk families and children, which for various reasons require additional support from the community. Through the funding of such initiatives as after school programs, drop in centres as well as educational and recreational activities will help to create positive, enriching opportunities for families and children in hopes of empowering them to reach their full potential.
The Winnipeg Police Endowment Fund has been established by a formal agreement with the Winnipeg Foundation. This permanently established endowment fund is a long term strategy to generate an annual revenue stream to support the Winnipeg Police Service vision of creating a culture of safety in the City of Winnipeg.
Grant applications are reviewed by the Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund Committee in accordance with policies as stated in the Endowment Fund Policies and Guidelines. Preference is given to projects that demonstrate a community need and promote the well-being of the community through social, health and educational measures.
Application date
- Applications will be accepted from January 1 to February 28 each calendar year.
- Organizations may submit a grant application to The Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund once in the calendar year.
- The grant decision will be made within 30 days after the grant application closing date.
- Disbursement of grant(s) will occur the first week of April each calendar year.
Project examples
The Endowment Fund supports a wide range of programs which may include the purchasing of sports equipment, supplies and equipment for after school programs, drop in centres, community centres or program costs related to educational classes. Ie. Parenting classes.
The following are not eligible for funding through the program:
- rent,
- renovations,
- capital campaigns, and
- programs that would normally be covered by a school or government agency.
Submit your application
Applications (PDF, 64KB) will be accepted from January 1st to February 29th through email or mail to;
Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund
P.O. Box 1680 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2Z7
After you have submitted your application
- You will receive an email confirmation of receipt of your application, indicating when the grants committee will meet to make a decision on the grant applications received.
- The Endowment Fund Manager will review your application and contact you if further information is required.
- Organizations are responsible for notifying the Endowment Fund Manager through the Endowment Fund email account if there are any changes to the grant application.
- The Endowment Fund committee will meet to make a decision on your application, and you will be notified by email of the decision.
The Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund awards grants to Winnipeg-based charitable or non-profit organizations and associations, requesting funds for projects within Winnipeg that promote the well-being of the community through social, health and educational measures.
The Fund was established through the creation of a City of Winnipeg By-Law No. 138/2013.
Applications are reviewed by a committee composed of officers appointed by the Chief of the Winnipeg Police Service.
Grant policies
- Only Winnipeg-based charitable or non-profit organizations and associations, requesting funds for projects within Winnipeg, are eligible for grants from the Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund.
- Organizations may receive a Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund grant once per 12-month period.
- Organizations or groups receiving a grant will be required to enter into a grant agreement with the City of Winnipeg.
Grant guidelines
- Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate evidence of need and alignment with the philosophy of Crime Prevention through Social Development.
- The grant award will be paid in one installment with a cheque issued through The City of Winnipeg Finance Department.
- The committee will only consider projects with a duration of not more than one year. Applicants will be permitted to apply for continued funding for a project provided they comply with reporting and application requirements.
Grants will not be made to:
- capital projects;
- renovations to properties; or
- projects funded by a school, school division or one of the three levels of government.
2024 awards
The Winnipeg Police Service issued five grants totalling $13,440 for 2024.
- Beaumont Daycare - Re: physical fitness and cultural enhancements
- Grant Park School c/o Children's Heritage Education Endowment Fund - Re: teen lunch program for healthy minds
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg - Re: summer basketball sports program
- Lord Selkirk Robert Fraser Memorial Pipe Bands - Re: Sound Advice Summer Band Camp
- North Winnipeg Nomads Football Club - Re: equipment for youth football program
2023 awards
The Winnipeg Police Service issued five grants totalling $13,087 for 2023.
- Kid Think Children’s Mental Health Centre for their Group Therapy for Children and Youth program
- Candace House for their Healing Haven program
- Neighbours Mission for Kids/Youth for their At-risk Youth Summer Enrichment program
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg for their Aberdeen Club Summer Program
- Mediation Services: Community Resource for Conflict Resolution for their Restorative Justice in Schools program
2022 awards
The Winnipeg Police Service issued three grants totalling $6,470 for 2022.
- BGC Winnipeg for Aberdeen Club Summer Program
- Lord Selkirk Robert Fraser Memorial Pipe Band for Summer Band Camp
- Candace House for Healing Haven
2021 awards
The Winnipeg Police Service issued four grants totalling $12,326 for 2021.
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg for Aberdeen Club Summer Program
- Rossbrook House for Indigenous Cultural Activities
- Lord Selkirk Robert Fraser Memorial Pipe Band for Summer Band Camp
- Candace House for Healing Haven
2020 awards
The Winnipeg Police Service issued eight grants totalling $11,816 for 2020.
- Neighbours Mission for Kids/Youth Enrichment Program Inc
- Immigration Partnership Winnipeg for Soccer for Peace
- Lord Selkirk Robert Fraser Memorial Pipe Band for Sound Advice Summer Camp
- Emmanuel Mission for Summer Learning Program
- Candace House for Healing Haven Program
- Inner City Youth Alive for Meals 4 Kids Program
- Centerpoint Church for Discovery Day Camp
- Boys and Girls Clubs for Aberdeen Club Summer Program
2019 awards
The Winnipeg Police Service issued eight grants totalling $10,285.00 for 2019.
- African Communities of Manitoba for I-Belong Project
- Candace House for Healing Haven Program
- Salvation Army Heritage Park Temple for Kids Klub Meals
- Centerpoint Church for Discovery Day Camp
- Rossbrook House for After-School Indigenous Cultural Program
- Boys and Girls Clubs for Aberdeen Club Summer Program
- Snowflake Place for Parking Program
- St. John Ambulance for Manitoba Council for Therapy Dog Program
In November of 2012, Devon Clunis was formally introduced as the City of Winnipeg’s 17th Chief of Police.
As part of the swearing in ceremony Chief Clunis shared his vision and hope of a renewed culture of safety for the residents of Winnipeg.
In his address he identified at-risk and underserved children, youths and their families as a significant concern within our city.
Throughout his career, Chief Clunis has served the community with the belief that crime prevention can be attained through social development. He is also committed to the belief that the Winnipeg Police Service, in collaboration with Federal, Provincial and Civic levels of government, along with the private business sector and community members must come together and embrace this philosophy.
A key initiative in addressing these concerns and bring about positive change is the creation of the Winnipeg Police Service Endowment Fund.
The WPS Endowment Fund has been designed for the advancement and enrichment of underserved and at-risk families and children. The goal of the Endowment Fund is to subsidize recognized projects within the community, which support the Winnipeg Police Service vision of creating a culture of safety.
This fund will provide much needed support for children and their families who desperately need help to attain the rich rewards life can offer. The WPS Endowment Fund will give grant recipients the tools to provide at-risk members of our community the chance to seize opportunities, and enjoy a healthy and meaningful life, and in so doing, reduce the risk of falling into an unhealthy life style.
You can help make a difference in the lives of these underprivileged families and at risk children. With your help and support of the WPS Endowment Fund you can provide a brighter future and renewed hope for success in our communities.