
Alarm permit

Permits are required for alarm systems installed in any residential or commercial building under By-law No. 4676/87 (Alarm By-law).

Alarm Permits are subject to a renewal every four years.

The renewal process enables the Winnipeg Police Service to update its data base to reflect accurate, current information for all alarm systems within the city of Winnipeg. 

To renew your permit online you will need your permit and invoice number from the renewal notice.

To have a paper application mailed to you, or if you require further information, please contact 311.

Please note: Section 5(1) of the Alarm By-law states, no person shall keep an alarm system unless a valid and subsisting alarm permit has been issued. Section 7(1), a person in contravention is guilty of an offense and may be subject to a fine.

Parade permit

A Parade Permit must be obtained from the Winnipeg Police Service for any parade on a roadway where participants wish to be exempt from Highway Traffic Act compliance.

The parade permit application must be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to the event date, but preferably as early after January 1st of each year as possible to have the best opportunity of booking the required Police escort for the desired parade date.

All permitted parades require a Police escort.

Due to the potential for severe traffic disruptions, parade permits will not be issued for any event occurring during either of the rush-hour periods (07:00-09:00 hours, or 15:30-17:30 hours, Monday-Friday).

There is currently no cost for the issuing of a parade permit, however submission of a valid General Liability Insurance Certificate is required and some applicants may incur a cost obtaining this insurance.

Questions may be directed by email or by phone to 204-986-5403.

Please refer to the parade permit application guide for information and help with completing this application.

The parade permit application should be completed and emailed to

Noise permit

There is no cost for the issuing of a noise permit.   The request should be submitted a minimum of four weeks prior to the event, if possible.

If the event is held in a City park please provide a copy of the "Agreement to Use Facility".

Questions may be submitted through email to

Discharge weapon permit

Discharge weapon permit applications must be received a minimum of one week prior to the event date.

Questions may be submitted through email to

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