School engagement

The school engagement team partners with schools across Winnipeg to share crime prevention and safety awareness presentations specifically for young people. 

Presentations are offered on a number of topics, including:

  • Safety
  • Online safety
  • WPS (Career & overview)
  • Gang awareness
  • Drug awareness
  • Bullying
  • Young Drivers/Youth & Law Other

Request a presentation for your classroom. All presentations are free of charge, most are one hour in duration. Upon receiving your request a WPS represented will be in contact to make arrangements.

Safety with social media and online gaming for parents

The School Engagement section provided parents and caregivers with a virtual presentation on online safety.

The Online safety presentation was initially designed for students. But modifications were made to address the many concerns parents and caregivers should have concerning children accessing the internet.

School safety patrol

Information on the school safety patrol program can be found by visiting CAA School Safety Patrol.

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