Arson/Assault with a Weapon Incidents – Arrests: C24-107019

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Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not engaging with this content is appropriate for you.

Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not engaging with this content is appropriate for you.

On May 16, 2024, at approximately 5:05 p.m., the Winnipeg Police Service responded to the 2000 block of Pembina Highway after receiving multiple reports of a vehicle that had collided with a street light where one of two occupants was subsequently observed setting its interior on fire before both fled on foot.

Attending West District General Patrol officers located the adult male driver in the 100 block of Lake Village Road and arrested him after a short foot pursuit. A knife and a lighter were found on his person and seized as evidence by officers. The adult female passenger was arrested in the rear lane in the 900 block of Chancellor Drive without incident.

After abandoning the inoperable vehicle, officers learned the driver had entered a nearby retail business where he accessed a restricted area and stole two employee wallets. Before fleeing, he proceeded to discharge a fire extinguisher within the business. No employees or patrons were injured.

Officers also determined that the involved vehicle, a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado pick-up, was reported stolen from a Minnetonka residence on May 12. The vehicle was also reportedly involved in two additional incidents during the week.

The Major Crimes Unit assumed the investigation into the linked incidents and learned that on May 14 at approximately 7:00 a.m., the male suspect attended a sports facility in the 3900 block of Portage Avenue in the stolen truck. A 58-year-old male employee escorted the suspect out of the building after he was found trespassing inside and using the facilities. As the employee was walking back to the entrance, the suspect entered the stolen vehicle and drove at the employee, which required him to jump out of the vehicle’s path, narrowly being hit and avoiding any injury. The suspect fled the area before police arrived.

Investigators also learned that on May 16, at approximately 1:25 p.m., the suspect attended a music store in the 1800 block of Pembina Highway in the same stolen

vehicle. The suspect entered the store and, after handling some equipment, was escorted out by a 54-year-old male employee. The suspect entered the vehicle and collided with a parked vehicle as he exited the parking spot. The suspect proceeded to drive at the employee, causing him to shelter behind a pillar to avoid getting struck. The victim suffered no injury, and the suspect fled before police arrived.

Eric Ryan MOORE, 29, of Winnipeg, is charged with the following offences:

  • Assault with a Weapon x 2
  • Arson Causing Damage to Property
  • Possession of Incendiary Material
  • Theft Under $5,000 x 2
  • Mischief Under $5,000/Obstruct in Enjoyment
  • Possession of a Weapon
  • Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance x 2
  • Operation of a Conveyance While Prohibited Pursuant to Federal or Provincial Act x 3
  • Fail to Stop at Scene of an Accident
  • Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000 x 2
  • Fail to Comply with Probation Order 

Moore was also issued several Provincial Offence Act documents for violations under the Highway Traffic Act, Trespass Act, and Wildfires Act.

He was detained in custody.

The 29-year-old female passenger involved in the last incident faces the charges of Arson (Cause Damage to Property) and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000.

She was released on an Undertaking as mandated by the Criminal Code.

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