Diversity career workshop

The Winnipeg Police Service will host one-day workshops designed to introduce newcomers and people from diverse communities to careers in law enforcement.

The workshops provide those interested an introduction to our organization and valuable insight into the recruitment process. In addition, participants can anticipate a creative and interactive experience that will foster their ambitions and provide the information and the tools needed to achieve their goals.

Information will be provided on volunteer, cadet, civilian staff, and police officer career opportunities.

The workshops will include interactive case studies, round table discussions, specialized information stations, and special guest speakers.

The Diversity Career Workshops are scheduled for the following dates:

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024
  • Saturday, August 24, 2024

Apply now

Applications will be accepted until July 31. 2024. Qualified applicants will be subject to a background check and are reminded limited spaces are available for this event.

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