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Displaying 41 - 50 of 464 results
- The City of Winnipeg’s Let’s Chip In depots are open from December 27 until January 31 for people to recycle their real Christmas trees.
- The holiday season typically means the City of Winnipeg will see an increase in the amount of garbage and recycling collected but the materials aren’t always put in the correct bins.
- An outline of what winter amenities are open this holiday season.
- Information for residents about recycling holiday materials and curbside service during the holiday season.
- Unique holiday gift ideas from the City of Winnipeg.
- In late November, we welcomed 16 additional local organizations and businesses who joined in our commitment to reconciliation by signing onto the Indigenous Accord at a gathering.
- We are ready to answer your questions and provide assistance in-person in both French and English at our 311 Saint-Boniface location.
- A technician who provides IT support to Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) 9-1-1 call centre has been named technician of the year by an international telecommunications company.
- City makes own blades for snow plows
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