Major spring cleanup operation starts Sunday night

Released: April 25, 2014 at 2:09 p.m.
Sweeping crews will begin work on streets, sidewalks and back lanes

Winnipeg, MB. - City of Winnipeg crews will begin the annual spring cleanup of streets, sidewalks and back lanes this Sunday night, April 27, 2014. The operation is expected to take four to five weeks to complete.

Sweeping crews will initially focus their efforts in the downtown area, on regional streets as well as on bridges and overpasses. Sidewalks on main routes, bus routes and collector streets will also be the first to get a spring cleaning during the $4.5 million operation. As well, crews will be busy conducting spring cleanup and litter collection in parks and on boulevards.

"This past winter, the City used considerably more sand and salt to improve roadway traction than in past years and, because of lingering snow and cold temperatures, we are starting later than usual," said Jim Berezowsky, Manager of the Streets Maintenance Division, Public Works Department. “More sand and a late start had the potential to extend the time needed to complete the operation but the delayed start may work in our favour. The risk for overnight temperatures falling below freezing in May is reduced, which will allow our night time operations to work more efficiently in improving the appearance of our city.”

Temporary “no parking” signs will be placed on some streets to restrict on-street parking during scheduled cleaning times. When these signs are in place, motorists are encouraged to find alternate parking during the posted times to avoid being ticketed or towed.

How can the public help?

Property owners are also urged not to rake yard waste material (e.g. grass clippings, leaves) or other debris onto streets as this can plug drains and cause ponding problems as well as an increased risk of basement flooding.

The seasonal yard waste collection program begins Monday, April 28. Yard waste will be collected at the curb once every two weeks, on the same collection day as recycling and garbage. Residents may check the Recycling, Garbage and Yard Waste Collection Days calendar for their area to find out their yard waste collection date, available on and the MyWaste app which can be downloaded from the Apple and Android app stores.

Yard waste must be placed in reusable containers without a lid (e.g., old blue boxes, old garbage containers) or compostable paper yard waste bags. Residents can also take their yard waste to the compost area at the Brady Road Resource Management Facility.

Yard waste will not be accepted in plastic bags, either at the curb or at the landfill. Tipping fees do not apply to loads of only yard waste (no garbage in the vehicle).

For more information on yard waste collection, visit City of Winnipeg - Yard Waste

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