Recycling and garbage collectors on the street later than usual

Released: October 3, 2012 at 2:20 p.m.
Week one of new automated collection service

WINNIPEG, MB - October 3, 2012 - During this first week of the new city-wide automated recycling and garbage cart and curbside yard waste collection services for all Winnipeg single-family properties, collectors are working late every evening to stay on schedule.

"This has been a very exciting, and ground breaking first few days," said Manager of the City's Solid Waste Services, Darryl Drohomerski. "We have launched three new programs for all our customers - new weekly automated cart collection for recycling and garbage, and biweekly curbside yard waste collection."

With the combination of new drivers operating new mechanical collection arms, new routes, and unusually high winds yesterday, collectors are on the streets later than usual. As such, the City is asking residents to leave their carts and yard waste materials out until at least 10:00 pm on collection day, and with at least one arm's length clearance on all sides of the carts.

If the carts haven't been emptied by 10:00 p.m., please leave them out and they will be collected the next day. This means that collectors could be working on Saturday if there are any outstanding collections from Friday.

The amount of time collectors are on the street is expected to return to normal as everyone becomes more familiar with the new programs.

The new services began the first week of August 1, 2012, for about 24,000 residential properties formerly served by large metal shared community garbage bins (AutoBins), and October 1, 2012, for about 165,000 residents in the remainder of the city. Recycling and garbage carts will be emptied every week of the year and yard waste will be collected once every two weeks from April to November, on the same day of the week that garbage and recycling carts are emptied.

Residents can get information on Winnipeg's new recycling and garbage services:

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