Northbound traffic to travel for the first time on the new Disraeli Overpass this weekend

Released: June 22, 2012 at 2:01 p.m.
Winnipeg drivers will get their first chance to drive on the new Disraeli Overpass this Saturday.

WINNIPEG - Winnipeg drivers will get their first chance to drive on the new Disraeli Overpass this Saturday. The new overpass is opening to northbound traffic starting in the afternoon. Northbound vehicles will travel on the new overpass before continuing onto the existing Disraeli Bridge.

The Gladstone Street turnoff will remain closed. Southbound traffic will continue to use the existing Disraeli Overpass and Bridge.

This will be the first time traffic will travel on the new Disraeli Overpass. The project is running on time and on its budget of $195 million. The Disraeli Bridges Project is a public-private partnership known as a P3.

�The Disraeli Bridges project demonstrates the value P3s provide for taxpayers,� said Mayor Sam Katz. �Winnipeggers are getting good value for their money and the project is coming in on budget and on time.�

Construction will continue through the summer and fall with all the lanes of the Disraeli Overpass and Disraeli Bridge slated to open in October 2012.

The new Disraeli Bridges will replace the 50-year-old structures that span the Red River and the CP Rail mainline, and will rejuvenate a critical piece of Winnipeg's transportation infrastructure.

For more information about the Disraeli Bridges Project, call 311 or visit and click on the Disraeli Bridges icon.

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