Libraries kick-off TD Summer Reading Club

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Winnipeg, MB - The annual TD Summer Reading Club starts today, Monday, June 22 at all branches of Winnipeg Public Library. Children up to age 12 are invited to drop by any branch of the library to register and to pick up their free reading kit that includes activities and a log to track time spent reading.

Every year the Club encourages children to improve their reading skills over the summer and reduce summer learning loss. Studies have shown that even small interruptions in reading practice affect literacy development. Reading as few as five books during the summer will help maintain reading skills over the break. Reading six books or more can improve reading skills in time for the new school year. For more information on early literacy development, visit Winnipeg Public Library - Early Literacy.

Pre-readers can also join the Club by being read to by their parents, siblings or caregivers. Reading aloud to pre-school children supports early literacy skill development and improves school readiness.

The Club encourages kids to read just for the fun of it - and to sign up for free special events and programs all summer long. The Club runs all summer long until Friday, August 21. Reading kits are bilingual (English/French).

An online Teen Summer Reading Club for Grades 7 to 12 is also available. For the Teen Summer Reading Club, visit Winnipeg Public Library - Booked.

Check out the July/August issue of At The Library for over 140 programs and events for fun all summer long including gaming workshops, crafting programs, and story times. ). Most programs require registration, and all programs are free.

For details on all the Summer Reading Clubs, programs and special events visit drop in to any branch of Winnipeg Public Library.

Winnipeg Public Library hours, locations, and online services - including downloadable eBooks, streaming movies and music, catalogue searching, and holds/renewals - are available online anytime at

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