Public invited to an information session to view the functional design of Stage 2 of the Southwest Transitway

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Winnipeg, MB - Residents are invited to attend a public information session to view the functional design of Stage 2 of the Southwest Transitway, the extension from Jubilee Avenue to the University of Manitoba.

The functional design of the Transitway, which includes Active Transportation paths, the widening of Pembina Highway through the Jubilee Underpass, and other associated works, will be presented at the public information session, which will be the third round of public engagement for Stage 2 of the Southwest Transitway. For residents who live adjacent to the Letellier line, between Chancellor and Markham, this will be the fourth round of engagement on the project.

The functional design was created using public feedback from the first and second rounds of stakeholder meetings and public consultations, which concluded in the Spring of 2014.

Public Information Sessions Information:

When: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 3:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Canad Inns Fort Garry, 1824 Pembina Highway

Residents are invited to drop in at their convenience to learn more about the project, and to speak with the project team who will be on hand to answer any questions.

More information can be found at City of Winnipeg - Southwest Transitway Phase 2.

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