Clara Hughes Recreation Park renovations will better meet the needs of the community: Lemieux, Katz

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Winnipeg, MB - A joint provincial and municipal infrastructure investment of $100,000 will result in a new canteen, multi-purpose space and accessible washrooms as part of renovations at Clara Hughes Recreation Park in Elmwood, Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux and Mayor Sam Katz announced today.

“It’s important for our community spaces to adapt and meet the changing needs of the people who visit,” said Lemieux. “These renovations will enhance the park and make it an even more enjoyable destination for active families and community groups.”

“Providing a safe, welcoming environment at our city’s recreational parks is vital for the development of healthy, active communities,” said Katz. “The renovated building at Clara Hughes Recreation Park will serve as a gathering place for the community of Elmwood for many years to come and is a terrific complement to the outdoor recreational area in the park which was started earlier this year.”

Two of four existing change rooms in the park will be renovated to become the multi-purpose room and canteen. To help make the park accessible for all community members, the new washrooms and front entry will be made wheelchair accessible. Windows will be added to improve the view of outdoor activities and add natural lighting.

The $250,000 project will receive an additional $100,000 from the City of Winnipeg, with the remaining funding coming from grants and community contributions. Renovations are expected to begin in September and be completed in early 2014. This renovation project complements other extensive site improvements currently underway.

“The people of Elmwood take great pride in our community and these renovations will result in another special place in our neighbourhood, offering more services and greater accessibility,” said Jim Maloway, MLA for Elmwood. “I would like to thank John King and all of the many Elmwood constituents who have worked tirelessly to make this project a reality.”

“This additional investment into the renovation of the building, along with improvements to meeting spaces and the creation of a canteen, are a welcome addition to serve the needs of the community,” said Thomas Steen, City Councillor, Elmwood - East Kildonan.

The Clara Hughes Recreation Park building renovation is one of 34 Building Communities Initiative (BCI) II, Phase Two projects announced in March 2013. The BCI is a multi-year, cost-shared capital initiative developed jointly by the Manitoba government and the City of Winnipeg. The goal of the funding is to support community revitalization through improvements to local infrastructure in targeted older neighbourhoods and contribute to the vitality, safety and health of communities throughout the city.

Phase One of BCI II provided a total of $10 million between 2010 and 2013. Of the 37 approved projects under the first phase, 31 have been completed, with the remaining six to be completed in the 2013 construction season. Projects included improving athletic fields, playgrounds and structures, splash pads, lighting, seating, pathways in parks, upgrades and expansion of community centres.

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