Community celebrates grand opening of Apee Panchhi Park

Released: August 5, 2017 at 11 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - At an event this morning, representatives from all levels of government joined the community to celebrate the grand opening of Apee Panchhi Park and honoured the park’s namesake, Mr. Apee Panchhi.

"Mr. Apee Panchhi is an example of the Canadian Dream,” said Russ Wyatt, City Councillor for Transcona. “He came with very little to Canada and turned adversity into opportunity, and by doing so, has made our community and Winnipeg better for it."

A proud Canadian of Indo-Canadian descent, Mr. Apee Panchhi, having lost his father at the age of 15, immigrated to Canada in 1977 and began his new chapter in life. Over the course of four decades, and with determination and hard work, he has become a community leader and a business success. Mr. Panchhi has continuously given his time and money to help. He has helped establish the Guru Nanak Darbar Winnipeg, supported the Guru Nanak Charitable Mission Hospital in his hometown of Jalandhar, Punjab, India, and spent countless hours volunteering and donating to the Concordia Hospital Foundation. With his strong leadership qualities and philanthropic commitments, he has become a role model for all new and young Canadians of humble beginnings.

Located south of El Tassi Drive, at Fiorentino Street, Apee Panchhi Park is a neighbourhood park along the multi-use active transportation path which boasts a new play structure, swingset, benches, mini soccer field, as well as new trees and fencing.

Construction on the park began last fall with a total budget of $266,800 with contributions from the City of Winnipeg and the developer, North Grassie Properties Inc.

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