Living Prairie Museum presents Theme Thursdays in July and August

Released: July 4, 2017 at 8 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Join the Living Prairie Museum for free, family education programs every Thursday from July 13 to August 24. Programs include a presentation on a prairie topic followed by an activity. Theme Days are suited to ages 4 - 12. Parental supervision is required.

Register for one of two sessions: 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Please register a week in advance by calling 204-832-0167. Friends of the Living Prairie Museum members are eligible to register at any time.

July 13: Clouds, Storms, and the Prairie
Learn what to look for in the sky, and how the prairie responds to severe weather.

July 20: To Bee or Not to Bee
Did you know we have over 200 species of bees in Manitoba? Get to know your neighbourhood prairie bees.

July 27: Up in Flames
What happens when the prairie catches fire? Come learn why we set the prairie ablaze.

August 3: Life on the Prairies
The prairie is a complex community of plants, bugs, mammals, and birds. Come learn about the intricate interactions taking place and the effects they have on the ecosystem.

August 10: The Sense-ational Prairie
What makes the prairie wild? How is it different from a yard or a park? Get a feel for the prairie through art and interactions.

August 17: Prairie-mon Go
Remember last summer’s Pokemon craze? Learn about the special powers some the prairies’ smallest creatures use to go-go on the prairie.

August 24: Worms
Join us for a myth-busting, science-packed session about Earth’s living composters.

Note that spaces are limited, so child care groups or day camps are not accepted. Please contact the museum to book a program!

The Living Prairie Museum is located at 2795 Ness Avenue.

For more information about the Living Prairie Museum, visit City of Winnipeg - Living Prairie Museum

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