Transcona Aquatic Park now open for summer fun!

Released: June 30, 2017 at 11:21 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - The Transcona Aquatic Park is officially open for summer fun for Transcona residents, Mayor Brian Bowman, Mike Pagtakhan, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services, and Parks, Russ Wyatt, City Councillor for Transcona announced today.

“It’s great to announce the grand opening of the Transcona Aquatic Park,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “Recreational spaces like this one are an important part of what keeps our community strong, healthy, and thriving. I’m excited to be able to be able to officially invite Transcona to come enjoy the pool.”

"Quality recreation facilities is crucial for a strong and healthy urban quality of life, and our Transcona Aquatic Park is now one of the city's largest outdoor aquatic facilities with amazing features for families to enjoy," continued Councillor Wyatt, " I would like to thank the Mayor and all of City Council for making this possible and thank the people of Transcona for their patience as we worked to finish this fabulous project."

The new waterpark features a large outdoor pool with an accessible beach entry, four waterslides, a spray pad adjacent to the outdoor pool, two one-metre diving boards, new lockers rooms, change areas and shower areas, a suntan area, picnic tables and umbrellas, and new landscaping including sod and artificial turf, concrete sun decks, plants and fencing.

The total budget for the project was $5.8 million, which includes $3.5 million for the outdoor pool portion of the project, and $2.3 million for the rest of the outdoor facility with expanded amenities.

For more information on the Transcona Aquatic Park, located at 1101 Wabasha Street, please see City of Winnipeg - Transcona Aquatic Park or contact 311 by phone at 311 or by email at .

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