City of Winnipeg to offer paramedics to assist in Fort McMurray emergency

Released: May 9, 2016 at 3:44 p.m.
Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service paramedics may be stationed at evacuee reception centres around Alberta

Winnipeg, MB - The City of Winnipeg has received an official request for advanced and primary care paramedics to provide assistance at various Alberta reception centres.

“Many Winnipeggers have responded individually and collectively with support after watching the devastating fire spread across northern Alberta,” said Mayor Bowman. “As a city, we also want to do our part to help, and are happy to assist in any way we can.”
“We are working with our paramedics to determine who is available to be deployed,” said Chief John Lane, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service. “We are seeking paramedics from our firefighting, ambulance, and supervisory branches for potential deployment, possibly up to one month in duration. However we will ensure that there are no impacts to local service.”

Details such as the type and number of staff required, and the anticipated length of deployment will be determined in the coming days. Other details such as cost recovery for deployment of Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service staff and lodging and transportation, are also being considered as part of the planning for response to the request for assistance.

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