Skywalk between Delta Winnipeg Hotel and RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre to reopen early this week

Released: September 20, 2015 at 2:42 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - As repairs to the skywalk between the Delta Winnipeg Hotel and the RBC Winnipeg Convention Centre continue to progress, the majority of the skywalk will reopen to the public early this week. Interim shoring supports have been installed and completed, allowing the skywalk to safely open to the public.

The public is advised that during this construction phase, the Winnipeg Convention Centre will only be accessible through the skywalk during the Centre’s operating hours. Barricades and signage will be in place to notify users that there is no access to the east side of the skywalk during Winnipeg Convention Centre after-hours.

Full repairs will progress in the next few months and will require short-term, temporary skywalk closures to complete the construction. We will continue to update the public as this work is undertaken.

The skywalk was closed to pedestrian traffic April 9, 2015 when it was noticed there was a need for an assessment of the connection to the Convention Centre. Assessment has since been conducted and completed, and repair work has progressed. The City of Winnipeg would like to thank the public for their patience during this closure.

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