Construction on the Sherbrook Pool commences

Released: June 3, 2015 at 10:02 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Construction at the Sherbrook Pool is on schedule and commenced this week, beginning with repairs to the roof.

As previously announced in May 2014, the Province of Manitoba, the City of Winnipeg and the Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg have partnered to provide more than $4 million in funding to return the Sherbrook Pool to its place as an important health and fitness facility for Winnipeg’s core area communities.

Funding for the renovation project includes $1 million from the province through the Manitoba/Winnipeg Infrastructure Agreement (MWIA), more than $421,000 in cost-shared funding from the Building Communities Initiative II (BCI II) between the province and the city, approximately $1.4 million from the City of Winnipeg, and a $952,000 Sponsor Winnipeg contribution from the Kinsmen Club for enhancements.

The Sherbrook Pool closed in 2012 for safety reasons following inspections that detected structural concerns with the building, which is more than 80 years old. Repairs to the building systems and structure are on-schedule and are estimated to require six to nine months, with a goal of re-opening in early 2016.

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