"Harry Lazarenko Bridge" Officially Unveiled

Released: October 3, 2014 at 10:30 a.m.
Former Redwood Bridge renamed to honour Former Councillor's decades of commitment to the North End and Riverbanks

Winnipeg, MB - Today, Mayor Sam Katz, joined by Councillor Ross Eadie, officially unveiled the newly renamed Harry Lazarenko Bridge, in a celebration at the foot of the former Redwood Bridge in a ceremony attended by former Councillor Lazarenko and his family.

“Harry Lazarenko spent three decades dedicated to the people of the City’s North End and just as long ensuring we protect our City’s riverbanks, so this location is a truly fitting location to honour him for his exceptional length of public service to Winnipeg,” said Mayor Sam Katz.

Councillor Eadie’s motion to rename the existing bridge along Redwood Avenue that connects the City’s North End and Elmwood, as “Harry Lazarenko Bridge, was unanimously approved by Council in June 2014. A plaque detailing the bridge’s 106-year history along with the accomplishments of former Councillor Lazarenko will be installed at a future date.

“Not many elected officials have served or will serve the people for 30 years. Harry Lazarenko was elected for nine terms as the City Councillor for various parts of the North End. He served in 4 decades: 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000’s,” said current Mynarski Councillor Ross Eadie “ As any elected official will tell you, it takes a real caring for your part of the country to endure the difficulties of office while looking out for your residents, as Harry did for so many years.”

Harry Lazarenko served as a member of Winnipeg City Council from 1974 to 1977 and again from 1983 to 2010; he served as Deputy Speaker and Speaker of Council from 2004 to 2010; he served as the Chairperson of the Riverbank Stabilization committee and was instrumental in the Elmwood Cemetery’s riverbank restoration preventing the loss of grave sites into the Red River.

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