New basketball court and skateboard site a slam dunk for Pacific Dee Park

Released: September 4, 2014 at 10:52 a.m.
Building Communities Initiative funds continue to strengthen recreation infrastructure in the Brooklands community

Winnipeg, MB - Brooklands-area residents are now enjoying a new basketball court and skateboard site at Pacific Dee Park thanks to a $150,000 investment through Phase Two of the Manitoba/Winnipeg Building Communities Initiative (BCI) II partnership. The courts and skateboard site were officially opened today by Children and Youth Opportunities Minister Kevin Chief, minister responsible for the City of Winnipeg, and Mayor Sam Katz.

“Partnering with the city on this project demonstrates our shared goal of investing in recreational facilities to encourage healthy lifestyles, revitalize neighbourhoods and offer positive activities for everyone,” said Minister Chief. “Playgrounds and parks like this are where children, youth and families can join together to have fun, build healthy bodies and develop friendships. This new basketball court and skateboard site will provide free entertainment that can be enjoyed by families and children of all ages.”

“Outdoor recreation and sports encourage and contribute to healthy living, and provide our young people with positive activities and alternatives to at-risk activities. The new basketball court and skate park will provide hours of free fun and entertainment for youth and families in our community,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “We are proud to partner with the Province of Manitoba through the Building Communities Initiative to bring this project to life.”

Improvements to the Pacific Dee Park under this project included a new basketball half-court with fencing and a new skateboard site with four skate features. There is no cost to citizens to use the facility.

The BCI II partnership is a multi-year, cost-shared capital initiative developed jointly by the Manitoba government and the City of Winnipeg. The goal of the funding is to support community revitalization through improvements to local infrastructure in targeted older neighbourhoods and contribute to the vitality, safety and health of communities throughout the city.

Phase One of BCI II provided a total of $10 million between 2010 and 2014. Of the 38 approved projects under the first phase, 35 have been completed, with the remaining three to be completed in the 2014 construction season.

Phase Two of BCI II will provide an additional $10 million between 2013 and 2015. An additional 46 projects have been approved under Phase Two, with ten completed and the remaining to be completed in the 2014 and 2015 construction seasons.

Phase Three of BCI II will provide an additional $3.8 million. 60 per cent of the funding for this phase is provided by the City of Winnipeg and 40 per cent is contributed by the Province of Manitoba. 27 projects have been approved to date and will be completed in 2014 and 2015.

BCI II projects include improving athletic fields, playgrounds, skate parks, spray and splash pads, basketball and tennis courts, lighting, seating, pathways in parks and upgrades of community centres.

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