Winnipeg Library Foundation kicks off fundraising campaign for Cornish and St. John's Libraries

Released: June 9, 2014 at 10:55 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - St. John's and Cornish Libraries are the target of a fundraising initiative by the Winnipeg Library Foundation to raise $2.5 million towards the renovation and refurbishment of these two historic libraries. This project is being undertaken to coincide with the 100th anniversary of both these buildings in 2015.

The fundraising campaigns will be launched at events this month, coinciding with the 99th anniversary of these buildings:

Cornish Library
20 West Gate
Tuesday June 10, 2014
2:00 p.m.

Win Gardner Place (for St. John’s Library)
363 McGregor Street
Thursday June 12, 2014
2:00 p.m.

Honourary Campaign Chair Helen Norrie will be on hand at both events. Funds will be used to renovate both libraries which include the installation of elevators. Once renovations are complete, both libraries will be fully accessible.

The two branch projects are anticipated to cost $5 million, including funding from the City of Winnipeg. The City funding is $2.5 million ($1 million in 2014 and $1.5 in 2015). This falls under the capital budget under Library Refurbishment and Redevelopment Program - Existing Infrastructure.

Once renovated, these facilities will provide improved meeting and program space as well as better access to computers and technology while retaining the historic character of these beautiful buildings.

"These libraries are important community spaces," said Manager of Library Services Rick Walker. "The renovations will ensure that these two historic libraries are much more accessible and better suited to meet the changing needs of library customers.”

This initiative is being spearheaded by the Winnipeg Library Foundation, which has worked to raise funds to enhance Winnipeg’s public libraries for over 15 years. This campaign is the Foundation’s largest project since the redevelopment of Millennium Library Park in 2012.

For more information about Winnipeg Public Libraries, visit The Winnipeg Public Library’s online services, including downloadable eBooks, eMagazines, audiobooks, and streaming movies and music are available 24/7. Library users can use the online My Account service anytime to review their requests and holds, and to renew borrowed items.

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