Nairn Avenue overpass maintenance work commences Friday, June 13, 2014

Released: June 9, 2014 at 2:42 p.m.
One lane of traffic maintained in each direction from Watt/Archibald Street to Grey Street

Winnipeg, MB - Maintenance work on the Nairn Avenue overpass will commence this Friday, June 13. Work will be done in a staged manner maintaining one lane of traffic in each direction for the duration of the project.

Initially, the median lanes in each direction will be closed until crossovers are constructed which will allow both directions of traffic on one side of the bridge. Midway through the project, the other side of the bridge will be closed and, at the end of the project, the crossovers at both ends will be removed. Pedestrian traffic on the one sidewalk of the bridge will be maintained at all times.

Completion is expected by November 2014.

This maintenance work involves reconstructing the bridge abutment backwalls, expansion joints and approach slabs at both ends of the bridge. As well, the roadway from Watt Street/Archibald Street at the west to Grey Street at the east will be resurfaced. This project will extend the life of the Nairn Avenue overpass and the approach roads.

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