City increases several services to prepare for spring thaw

Released: April 3, 2014 at 11:41 a.m.
Drainage improvement operations, pothole repairs ramp up; sandbags available to residents this Friday

Winnipeg, MB - Due to forecasted warmer temperatures over the next several days, the City is increasing several services to prepare for the spring thaw including drainage improvement operations, pothole repairs and making sandbags available to residents.

Drainage improvement operations will continue on streets and lanes where drains have not yet been opened in preparation for the upcoming spring melt. Catch basin thawing services are also available 24/7. As the spring melt progresses, crews will thaw any culverts that have or may freeze up overnight throughout the thaw. Ditch maintenance, to allow for the free flowing of water, is currently ongoing and will continue until completed.

Pothole repairs are also continuing using a manual hand-patching method. As daytime temperatures rise consistently above zero degrees Celsius, six pothole patching machines (Road Patchers) and the Python Patcher will be deployed to repair potholes as quickly as possible.

In preparation for the potential for overland flooding, sandbags will be available for residents to pick up Monday-Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. beginning this Friday, April 4 at the following locations: 1220 Pacific Avenue, 960 Thomas Avenue and 1539 Waverley Street. Citizens picking up sandbags for overland flooding will be required to provide photo identification (to confirm Winnipeg residency).

With the milder temperatures, the City’s snow dumps will be closed to the public as of Saturday, April 5.

Citizens are encouraged to report pothole locations and frozen catch basins by contacting 311, open 24 hours every day, by phone at 311, using the 311 app, or by email at The City would like to remind motorists and pedestrians to use caution around crews and heavy equipment operating throughout the city over the coming weeks.

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