Winnipeggers diverted 55% more waste from landfills in 2013

Released: March 7, 2014 at 12:23 p.m.
Recycling and yard waste collection at an all-time high

Winnipeg, MB - Winnipeggers are embracing the new garbage and recycling collection system, recycling more and sending less waste to landfills. The total waste diversion rate increased by 55% during 2013. This was the first full year of new services under the Council-approved Garbage and Recycling Master Plan which included the new cart collection model as well as a full season of curbside leaf and yard waste collection.

“Winnipeggers are recycling and composting more and sending less to the landfill,” said Mayor Katz. “Together, we are building a cleaner and more environmentally sustainable Winnipeg.”

Our community is on track to reach our diversion rate goal of 35% in 2016, and greater than 50% by 2020 and beyond.

Winnipeg had been averaging a 10-15% waste diversion rate for many years, one of the lowest in Canada. In 2011, the last full year before the program changed, the diversion rate was 18.1%. The waste diversion rate in 2013 of 28.1% is a 55% increase since the implementation of the new services and far surpasses expectations.

The garbage collected and landfilled in 2013 is the lowest amount since 1997 by at least 25,000 tonnes. This is in spite of an increase in population of approximately 85,000 residents during the same time frame.

Recycling is also at an all-time high at 53,657 tonnes, a 17% increase in the amount of recyclables collected compared to 2011.

Winnipeggers are further showing their commitment to the environment by using the new curbside leaf and yard waste collection system. In 2013, residents diverted more than 23,000 tonnes of yard waste, a fourfold increase over 2012.

The annual report is contained in an administrative report that will be considered by the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works at its meeting on Thursday, March 13, 2014. The report is available by clicking here.

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