Mayor Katz Congratulates Festival du Voyageur

Released: February 13, 2014 at 11:26 a.m.
Celebration of French-Canadian culture in its 45th year

Winnipeg, MB - As the Festival du Voyageur prepares to open its gates, Mayor Sam Katz congratulates the festival on its 45 year run as one of Winnipeg's favourite winter celebrations.

We are a city that knows how to have fun, no matter the weather, said Mayor Katz. Festival du Voyageur has been proving this for 45 years, growing from humble beginnings into one of Winnipeg's premiere winter events.

"It's a pleasure to have the opportunity to celebrate this milestone, and to thank the thousands of Winnipeggers and visitors that have returned year after year to make this festival the tremendous success that it is today."

"The Festival is excited to be celebrating 45 years in 2014!" said Ginette Lavack Walters, Festival du Voyageur's Executive Director. "If we are able to put on a winter event that all Winnipeggers are proud to call their own, it's due in no small part to the support of partners like the City of Winnipeg who continue to believe in the importance of this annual celebration of culture, heritage and winter!"

This year's Festival du Voyageur takes place from Feb 14 to 23 at locations throughout the city. Among the activities offered over the 10-day festival are the popular beard-growing and snow-sculpting contests, as well as dozens of musical and cultural events. The opening celebration takes place tomorrow evening, following the Torch Light Walk from the Forks to Voyageur Park.

The venerable winter festival began in St Boniface in 1970. For more information on the history of the Festival du Voyageur, please visit History of Festival du Voyageur

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