Gold Medal Athletes Honoured with Outstanding Achievement Awards

Released: November 20, 2013 at 9:45 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Four of Winnipeg’s top young athletes and their coaches are being honoured with Outstanding Achievement Awards at City Council this morning. The awards recognize the athletes’ gold medal winning performances at the 2013 Canada Summer Games, held this past summer in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

“Competing on a national level, these four young athletes were outstanding ambassadors for our city,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “It takes tremendous determination and dedication to achieve gold medal wins, and all of Winnipeg can be proud of their achievements.”

Hannah Guttormson and Stephanie Lowrie, along with their coach, Jerome Seremak, accepted their awards from Mayor Katz at the beginning of today’s meeting of Council. Along with their win in the C2 5000m event, the pair holds the distinction of earning the first gold medal in women’s canoe/kayak for Team Manitoba at the Games.

Breanne Siwicki, who swam her way to gold in the 1500m freestyle event, and runner Julia Zrinyi, who took top prize in the women’s 1500m track event, were also honoured with Outstanding Achievement Awards, but unable to attend today’s presentation. Awards were presented to their coaches, Tom Hainey (swimming) and Andy Tough (athletics), as well.

The City of Winnipeg Outstanding Achievement Awards are presented to gold medal winners of recognized national or international non-Olympic events who are residents or citizens of Winnipeg. In addition to an engraved medal, award recipients are presented with a signed certificate.

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