Infrastructure Repair Number One Priority: Winnipeggers

Released: October 3, 2013 at 3:18 p.m.
Results of City Budget Consultations Released

Winnipeg, MB - A City of Winnipeg budget consultation process shows the number one priority of Winnipeggers is repairing and maintaining our streets.

"In 2013, Council passed a budget that for the first time put forward a long-term plan for fixing local streets, back lanes and sidewalks," said Mayor Sam Katz. "As we prepare the 2014 budget, it's important for Council to know that Winnipeggers consider fixing streets their highest priority."

Citizens also identified crime prevention, investment in public transit, and efforts to reduce taxes and spending as their priorities, according to the budget consultation report presented to Councillors today by the independent consulting firm MNP.

When asked about ways to increase revenue, Winnipeggers want to ensure that the City is operating as efficiently as possible. They also identified that the City should achieve higher levels of funding from other levels of government. If revenue increases are required, Winnipeggers prefer to see increased revenue through permits, licenses, fines and user fees rather than increases in property taxes, frontage levies or other taxes.

Citizens are also seeking more information related to the costs of service delivery in relation to the services provided. In other words, they would like to know more about the value the City receives in relation to the investment made.

"More than 1,700 individuals and organizations took time to let us know their view on the City of Winnipeg's budget," said Russ Wyatt, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Finance. "In 2014, our goal is to start the budget consultation process earlier and get more groups involved in helping to set the priorities of our City."

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