City supports new north end facility aimed at helping women with addictions

Released: June 14, 2013 at 10:09 a.m.
Funds provided through Homelessness Partnering Strategy

Winnipeg, MB - Mayor Sam Katz today joined north end community members for the grand opening celebration of Chriss Tetlock Place on Selkirk Avenue, a welcome addition to the neighbourhood which will serve to assist women dealing with the challenges of homelessness and addictions.

The City of Winnipeg is providing $477,150 of funding for programing which will be delivered through the North End Women’s Centre. The funding comes from the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) which the City administers in Winnipeg on behalf of the federal government.

In August, 2010, the City provided $16,146 towards the new facility under the City of Winnipeg’s Neighbourhood Multiple Family/Mixed Use Building Program.

“Our government is giving a hand-up to Canadians with housing needs and is helping to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty,” said Shelly Glover, Member of Parliament for Saint Boniface. “By working together, we are creating community projects and partnerships to improve and create services and facilities for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.” MP Glover attended the event on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.

“Chriss Tetlock Place will serve as a safe haven for women who are trying to get back on their feet, receive the treatment they need and develop the skills they require to integrate back into the community healthy and with confidence,” said Mayor Katz. “We are pleased to support such a critical program.”

Chriss Tetlock Place is named after the founding member of the North End Women’s Centre. It was created to provide stable and independent living for women who are without a home or at risk of becoming homeless. The new, modern building includes six transitional housing units, kitchen and laundry facilities, a children’s play area, office space and a supportive programming area for community women who are struggling with addictions and chronic transience.

“The financial assistance provided through the HPS allows the North End Women’s Centre to fill a gap in addiction recovery services for inner city women,” said Heather Leeman, Executive Director of the North End Women’s Centre. “Women who return to their community after receiving treatment need supports and housing as they face multiple barriers in maintaining their recovery.”

The Addictions Continuing and Ongoing Recovery Program is a four phase program that offers housing, relapse prevention, therapeutic support, counselling, advocacy, community support, mentorship, and follow-up. The program is designed to help women to secure safe stable housing while supporting them to live healthier lives in their own community.

For more information about the program, please visit

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