Mayor Renews Call for Infrastructure Investment

Released: April 11, 2013 at 12:16 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - As provincial budget day approaches, Mayor Sam Katz renewed his call for additional investment in infrastructure, noting that Winnipeg is near the bottom of the list when comparing provincial capital grants to other large Canadian cities.

Winnipeg is in a constant struggle to maintain aging infrastructure, as many of its buildings and roads were built 40 to 60 years ago and are in need of renewal. Financial comparisons of eight Canadian cities show that only Regina and Saskatoon have lower per capita capital grants than Winnipeg.

“Everyone in Winnipeg knows that our roads, community centres, swimming pools and libraries need repair,” said Mayor Katz. “If Winnipeg is to take its place as a modern, competitive city, we need infrastructure that supports both family life and business.”

As the largest city in the province, with the majority of the provincial population, and many more Manitobans travelling to Winnipeg on a regular basis for business or pleasure, investment in the City of Winnipeg’s infrastructure translates into a benefit for all Manitobans.

Winnipeg City Council has previously asked the Province of Manitoba to provide one point of the existing provincial sales tax (PST) over and above existing funding, which would be dedicated as a stable, reliable source of funding for municipal infrastructure. Winnipeg has also proposed a share of the fuel tax, a portion collected from motor vehicle registrations, or a percentage of the land transfer tax as potential revenue sources for municipal infrastructure.

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