Mayor Katz Presents Medals to Local Curling Champions

Released: April 8, 2013 at 1:31 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - In a presentation today at City Hall, Mayor Sam Katz honoured Team Dunstone with the City of Winnipeg’s Outstanding Achievement Award.

Winnipeg’s Team Dunstone, led by skip Matt Dunstone, won the gold medal at the 2013 Canadian Junior Men’s Curling Championships, held in Fort McMurray, Alberta in February. It was the first gold medal finish for a Manitoba team in this competition since 2002.

“On behalf of the City, I am proud to present this special award to Team Dunstone,” said Mayor Katz. “They have shown such tremendous spirit and dedication to their sport. All Winnipeggers, and not just curling fans, can be proud of what these young men have achieved.”

Mayor Katz presented the Outstanding Achievement Award medals to Dunstone, teammates Colton Lott, Daniel Grant and Brendan MacCuish, and the team’s coach, Scott Grant.

“We feel very privileged and honoured to be a part of what’s happening today,” said Dunstone. “It feels so cool to be recognized by the people who run the city we live in. We couldn’t be more thankful for the support that everyone has given us over the last three months.”

"Any time you represent the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba at a national curling event, there is a level of responsibility to succeed put on your shoulders because of the strong curling history that we have here,” said Coach Grant. “It is a huge honour that the City acknowledges our team's success and is presenting us with this Outstanding Achievement Award. This will always be a highlight from this very special and successful curling season."

The Outstanding Achievement Award Medal is presented to Gold medal winners of recognized national or international non-Olympic events who are citizens or residents of Winnipeg.

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