Streetscaping renewal project in Cultural District brings new life and unique lighting display to distinct area

Released: March 6, 2013 at 10:11 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - The next time you take a stroll along Winnipeg’s Market Avenue, try whistling a tune to find a surprise nestled in the trees.

Tonight, a new interactive 3D light sculpture entitled “Listening Lights” is being activated. It’s inspired by a northern legend that when one whistles, the Northern Lights become more intense and dance towards the whistler. This artwork involves 68 LED lights that react to the sound, creating a digital Aurora Borealis. “Listening Lights” is the creation of Moment Factory of Montreal.

“This exciting revitalization of this very special corner of our community will be enjoyed by so many for years to come,” said Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz. “This is such a fun and interactive addition to this area and I’m sure it will become an instant hit with citizens and visitors.”

To catch a glimpse of how these lights were tested and developed, please visit this link

Last summer, City Council approved the $2.5 million Cultural District Streetscaping program, which involved widening sidewalks on Market Avenue and improving pedestrian lighting.

Other streetscaping features that will be installed this spring include benches, bike racks, planters and waste receptacles. These works are part of the street and water main reconstruction of Market Ave from Main to Rorie Streets and celebrates the Cultural District, renowned for its many theatre and concert venues. Funding was provided from the net sale proceeds of the Winnipeg Square Parkade.

The project is a collaborative partnership of several City of Winnipeg departments and key stakeholders including the Manitoba Centennial Concert Hall, Pantages Playhouse, Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre and Warehouse Theatre.

“As part of our broader neighborhood development strategy, the completion of Market Avenue represents Phase I of the streetscaping,” said Ross McGowan, President and CEO, CentreVenture Development Corporation. “The unique, interactive lighting installation and widening of sidewalks will provide residents, visitors, theatre goers and business owners a more animated and welcoming pedestrian experience.”

“I believe something truly unique has been created for our city,” said Brian Timmerman, Executive Director of the Exchange District Biz. “I would encourage anyone to visit the Exchange and experience for themselves this innovative blend of light and colour.”

"We really enjoyed working to create a new interactive urban lighting attraction to distinguish Winnipeg's cultural district,” said Dominic Audet, Co-Founder of Moment Factory. "We hope this engaging installation will build iconic memories for upcoming generations."

“Having owned a business in the Exchange for some 37 years, and seeing the area transform into a place where people want to live, work and play is inspiring,” said local business owner Cynthia Brick. “Living on Waterfront Drive, I look forward to taking in the lights during my evening walks. A big thank you to the City for having the vision to make this happen.”

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