Honourary street designation to recognize Kelekis family

Released: January 30, 2013 at 12:26 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Mayor Sam Katz and City Councillors visited Kelekis Restaurant today to acknowledge the restaurant’s final day of operations and to honour the Kelekis family with an honourary street designation.

The Kelekis family has operated its business at 1100 Main Street for 81 years; from humble beginnings running a chip truck in the 1930s, to the bustling full-service restaurant that stands today. To mark the Kelekis family’s longevity in the City’s restaurant scene and their service to the community, Main Street, between Aberdeen and Redwood, will be marked “Kelekis Way”.

“Kelekis Restaurant has been a neighbourhood institution since its opening,” said Mayor Katz. “The Kelekis family has warmly welcomed generations of Winnipeggers and visitors seeking a uniquely Winnipeg experience. “Kelekis Way” acknowledges this contribution to our community.”

Councillor Grant Nordman (St. Charles) made the suggestion to designate the section of Main Street in front of the restaurant in honour of the Kelekis family.

“Though the restaurant may be closing, the memory of Kelekis should be allowed to live on,” said Councillor Nordman. “Let us, as a city, embrace the history which has been created by the Kelekis Restaurant and remember all the good times we have all had there.”

“Kelekis Way” sign toppers will be installed above Main Street signage at the intersections of Main and Aberdeen and Main and Redwood.

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