Devon Clunis to be appointed as Chief of Police

Released: October 4, 2012 at 9 a.m.
25-year veteran to assume command of the Winnipeg Police Service

WINNIPEG, MB - October 4, 2012 - Chief Administrative Officer Phil Sheegl today announced that Superintendent Devon Clunis will be appointed as the City's 17th Chief of Police.

"I am delighted to know that Devon Clunis has been selected as our next Chief of Police. In my time as Mayor, investment in public safety has been a key priority for citizens, Council, and for me personally," said Mayor Sam Katz. "Clunis has shown uncompromising character as a member of the Winnipeg Police Service. I welcome his appointment to this very important role."

"Devon Clunis' appointment comes at a time of both challenge and change for the Police Service," said Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Phil Sheegl. "He is a proven leader and a team-builder who cares deeply about our city. I am very pleased to be welcoming Devon as a member of our senior management team - I know that his vision, experience, relationship-building skills and strategic thinking will enable the WPS to help make Winnipeg an even better place to live."

The CAO also noted that Clunis, who has significant experience and achievements in organizational development, will assume leadership as the City continues an Operational Review to seek operational and financial efficiencies.

Superintendent Clunis began his career with the Winnipeg Police Service in 1987. He has served in all major areas of the organization including uniform patrol, traffic, plainclothes investigation, community relations, organizational development, and duty office (city-wide operational command), as well as a number of administrative leadership roles. Clunis' current assignment is overseeing the Service's Development Support Branch, which encompasses four divisions.

In addition to his leadership and management skills, Clunis is completing studies at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, and has overseen the development of an in-house leadership development program for newly-promoted police officers. He is a well-respected leader who has also provided critical support to his co-workers' well-being as a police chaplain.

"I want to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Chief Keith McCaskill for his loyal and steadfast service to Winnipeggers, and acknowledge his contributions to our city's safety," the CAO added.

Clunis will be sworn in as Winnipeg's 17th Chief of Police at a ceremony to be held at a later date.

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