Canada's Music Industry Focused on Winnipeg

Released: October 4, 2012 at 10:40 a.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - October 4, 2012 - Members of Canada's music industry had their eyes and ears focused on Winnipeg today as the River City was announced as host of the 43rd JUNO Awards and JUNO Week celebrations to be held from March 24 to 30, 2014.

"We're thrilled to welcome the 43rd JUNO Awards and JUNO Week Celebrations to Winnipeg," said Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz. "Winnipeg is well suited to hosting the JUNOS. Our citizens are extremely welcoming and we have a long history of producing great Canadian bands as well as being home to a very active music industry."

Over 5,000 event-related visitors are expected in Winnipeg during the 2014 JUNO Week. The full week of activity is expected to result in a $10 million dollar boost to the local economy. The broadcast will showcase Winnipeg to the country.

"As a former music promoter, I've been able to see first-hand what an important role music plays in so many people's lives," said Mayor Katz. "If our experience hosting the JUNOS in 2005 is any indication, Winnipeggers will throw their support behind all the JUNO week events leading up to the red carpet and the award ceremony."

Earlier today, The Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (CARAS) announced that Winnipeg will host the 2014 JUNO Awards and JUNO Week celebrations. The 43rd annual JUNO Awards will broadcast on CTV from the MTS Centre on Sunday, March 30, 2014.

Winnipeg last played host to the JUNO Awards in April 2005.

For more information on the JUNO Awards and JUNO Week celebrations, visit:

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