Mayor to present Community Service Award to Siloam Mission

Released: July 24, 2012 at 8:32 a.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - July 24, 2012 - This morning Mayor Sam Katz will present a Community Service Award to Siloam Mission, now in its 25th year of offering programs and services to people experiencing homelessness and poverty.

“Siloam Mission provides free emergency relief and assistance to hundreds of people every day, all the while supporting the dignity and value of people going through tough times,” said Mayor Katz. “The City of Winnipeg is pleased to recognize the hard work of the board, volunteers and staff at Siloam Mission, who work tirelessly to improve the quality of life of the city’s less fortunate.”

Located in the heart of the city, Siloam Mission strives to alleviate the hardships of Winnipeg’s poor and homeless and offers support to those who want to transition into self-sufficient lifestyles. The Mission is now a 24/7 operation, including a drop-in centre, an arts program, an emergency overnight shelter, a health centre including dentistry and optometry, an employment-training facility and a housing project.

At 11 a.m. today, the Mayor will present the award to Siloam Mission Executive Director Floyd Perras at Siloam Mission’s drop-in centre, located at 300 Princess Street.

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