Maples Community Centre celebrates improvements thanks to Federal-Provincial-City partnershi

Released: May 31, 2012 at 2:45 p.m.
An official grand opening ceremony was held today to celebrate improvements to the Maples Community Centre.

WINNIPEG - May 31, 2012 - An official grand opening ceremony was held today to celebrate improvements to the Maples Community Centre. Senator Don Plett, on behalf of the Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification; Mohinder Saran, MLA for The Maples, on behalf of Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux; and Devi Sharma, Councillor for Old Kildonan, on behalf of Mayor Sam Katz; joined representatives from the Seven Oaks School Board and Maples Community Centre to acknowledge the efforts and contributions of those that helped to make the project possible.

Joint funding from all three levels of government went towards the construction of a new track, an all-purpose field and bleachers. The Government of Canada, through the Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program (RInC) contributed $203,797; the Province of Manitoba invested $100,000, while the City of Winnipeg provided $60,000 towards the project. The remaining project costs were covered by the Seven Oaks School Division. Additionally, the Province of Manitoba and City of Winnipeg each contributed $125,000 under the Building Communities Initiative to upgrade and improve the outdoor basketball and tennis courts.

"This project is an excellent example of our Government's top priority to create jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity," said Senator Plett. "We are proud to have supported these upgrades to the Maples Community Centre track and field which will benefit the community and athletes of all ages for years to come."

"Thanks to this partnership, athletes of all skill levels and students of all ages will be able to enjoy these new and improved facilities as it will encourage participation and enjoyment of healthy recreational activities," said MLA Saran.

"The Maples Community Centre is the heart of the community, providing a safe and welcoming gathering place for people of all ages," said Mayor Katz. "The City of Winnipeg is pleased to support athletes, and their friends and families, with facilities like the new track, playing field and outdoor courts."

"These community improvements are the result of active, caring community members working in partnership with all levels of government and interested stakeholders," said Kirk Baldwin, Divisional Principal, Seven Oaks School Division.

The Maples Community Centre is an important facility to the Maples neighborhood. As a result of the funding provided the Centre's amenities have been restored to safety and are again fully functional, allowing local athletes to participate in the sport of their choice, in their own community.

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