Winnipeg charities receive $17,000 from State of the City address

Released: April 23, 2012 at 1:44 p.m.
Mayor Sam Katz and Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Chair Brian Bowman today presented Winnipeg non-profit organizations Ka Ni Kanichihk and Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) with cheques for $8,500 each.

Mayor and Chamber make presentation to Ka Ni Kanichihk and RaY

WINNIPEG - April 23, 2012 - Mayor Sam Katz and Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Chair Brian Bowman today presented Winnipeg non-profit organizations Ka Ni Kanichihk and Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) with cheques for $8,500 each.

"I'm pleased that our partnership with the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce means we can assist charities in providing valuable assistance to Aboriginal and young people," said Mayor Sam Katz. "Both Ka Ni Kanichihk and RaY take great care to ensure their services match the needs of the people they serve."

"The Chamber is pleased to partner with Mayor Katz on this initiative," said Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Chair Brain Bowman. "The Chamber has a long history of giving back to the community and we are very proud to play a part in helping these very deserving organizations continue the work they do."

Ka Ni Kanichihk offers programs for Aboriginal people of all ages while RaY works with young people who are homeless or find themselves living on the streets.

"It's about ensuring community safety - making sure youth have access to programs or opportunities that are meaningful to them," said Leslie Spillett, Executive Director at Ka Ni Kanichihk. "We build relationships with our youth, helping them recognize the importance of healthy lifestyles and living in ways that bring positive attention to our community."

"This donation will go a long ways in helping us to deliver programming to street-entrenched youth," said Kelly Holmes, Executive Director at RaY. "Thanks to the City and the Chamber for showing how different sectors can work together to make positive change happen."

With the support of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, each year 50 per cent of the ticket proceeds from the Mayor's State of the City address is donated to charities.

Local businessman, philanthropist and leader in the Manitoba Muslim community, Albert El Tassi, is donating an additional $5,000 to each organization.

The State of the City address has traditionally been the best attended event that the Winnipeg Chamber holds on an annual basis.

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