Remembering the Holocaust

Released: April 19, 2012 at 1:24 p.m.
Mayor Sam Katz today remembered the victims of the Holocaust at the annual Holocaust Commemoration Service held at the Legislative Grounds.

Flags at half-mast at City Hall

WINNIPEG - April 19, 2012 - Mayor Sam Katz today remembered the victims of the Holocaust at the annual Holocaust Commemoration Service held at the Legislative Grounds.

"The best way we can honour the victims of the Holocaust, of genocide, of racism everywhere, is to remember that what we do matters," said Mayor Sam Katz. "We must take action to confront genocide and related crimes taking place today. We must confront racism wherever we find it."

The Mayor also called for individuals to support initiatives like the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

"The stories in the museum will show our children that victims of genocide and violence were no different from us - they loved and they were loved," he said. "By protecting this history and sharing it with our children and our children's children, we can help to prevent future genocides."

Flags at City Hall are flying at half-mast today in commemoration of the Holocaust.

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