Winnipeg Transit testing new Rapid Transit Corridor, public advised to stay off Transitway

Released: January 11, 2012 at 10:46 a.m.
The City of Winnipeg is advising the public to stay off the newly constructed 3.6 km Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor Transitway and to exercise caution at street intersections along the corridor.

WINNIPEG - January 11, 2012 -
The City of Winnipeg is advising the public to stay off the newly constructed 3.6 km Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor Transitway and to exercise caution at street intersections along the corridor.

Winnipeg Transit officials are reminding residents to be safe and avoid trespassing on the Transitway, which is now an active roadway with test buses approaching speeds of 80 km/h. Pedestrians and cyclists are at risk if they enter the Transitway and are advised to stay on public rights-of-way adjacent to the corridor. Strict adherence to all Transitway signs and signals is equally important for motorists also, as they will be sharing intersections with the test buses at certain times of the day.

Winnipeg Transit has been conducting driver training on the corridor since December 16, 2011. The Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor is scheduled to open on Sunday, April 8, 2012.

For more information on Rapid Transit or the Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor, visit

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